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tamoadmin 2024-08-26 人已围观

简介1.全球变暖的英语作文2.超过99.9%的研究认为:人类导致了气候变化3.人为气候变化英语4.气候危机英语5.求一篇5分钟的英语演讲稿,题目关于《Climate change》6.引出原因的英语句型邵阳县为中亚热带季风湿润气候区。气候温和,雨量充沛。年均气温16.9℃,一月最冷,平均气温为4.9℃,七月最热,平均气温为28.3℃。雨季出现在汛期4-6月,历年平均降水为545.4mm。7-9月是干旱





5.求一篇5分钟的英语演讲稿,题目关于《Climate change》




Shaoyang county to the suropical monsoon climate zone. Mild climate, abundant rainfall. Annual erage temperature 16.9 ℃, the coldest in January, the erage temperature of 4.9 ℃, the hottest July, the erage temperature of 28.3 ℃. The rainy season in flood season between April and June, erage rainfall of 545.4 mm. Drought is 7-9 month period, erage rainfall 273.1 mm. Frost-free period an erage of 286.4 days, the longest in 1961 is 30.8 days, the shortest in 1969 only 23.3 days.


Our city of the year’s every season has difderent environment.

In spring,all kinds of flowers are in full bloom,and many trees turn green.The birds are coming here.Everything are full of vitality。

In summer ,the trees turn greener.The weather are very hot and very nice,but usual suddenly are raining.

In fall,the lees of the trees are turning yellow.Many birds are leing here.

In winter,the weather are very cold.The sky always very grey ,seldom can look the sun.

And I like spring best. I think spring can affect my moods,can make me lively


Global Warming At present, with the development of economies around the world may feel that the climate is being more and more warmer. CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases. It is considered to be one of the greatest reasons of global warming. It’s very serious, but many people can’t recognize that because the only think about themselves. They don’t mind the climate being warmer. They don’t mind the ice melting. They don’t mind how many animals bee extinct. They don’t mind how many coastal cities bee flooded . They don’t mind…… They are wrong. Global warming can he many strong influences for us. For example: Global warming will make trouble with physiology. People will bee more easily ill and even breed new diseases. People will pay more and more money for health care but more and more people die. No amount of money or even the best doctors, wll not be able to se your life. Even if you aren’t dying, you will feel sad and alone. So many relatives and friends’ death will make you want to kill yourself. Global warming will give the air and ocean huge power. Thus making large or even super typhoons, hurricanes, tsunamis and other disasters. Many houses will be destroyed. Many place will flood. We will be faced with more and more disasters, damning more and more money and life. Rising temperatures will not only create higher sea level, but also will cause droughts. Large-scale areas will bee arid and thus food production will be less. We will be without food. People around the world will face food shortages and more and more war will hen for food. If temperatures continue to rise, animals will e out of hibernation early, but will not he the food supply necessary to survive. For example: Insects will eat a lot of forests and crops with no natural enemies. Without forests, global warming will bee more and more sercious, creating a vicious cycle. No crops, means no human food. The greatest of global warming is at ice age like in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow”, this is a scenario that take place. So we must do something to oid these things from hening. First, we should use more and more clean energy and less oil and coal. Second, we should go to work by bus or on foot instead of driving. Third, we should plant more trees. The most important point is we should make a habit of sing energy in everyday life. 绝对是原创,你可以从我这400多字里选选改改,变成成自己的 第一段是原因,最后一段是因该怎么做,120词的话,你也可以就看看这两段 麻烦纳,谢谢! 哪类资料?全球变暖原因?全球变暖数据?灾难统计? 还是顺手贴篇以前在绿色和平的帖子 谁在乎? 究竟,有谁会在乎气候变化? 有谁会在乎全球气温升温一两度,甚至六七度? 有谁会在乎南北极冰架的坍塌或融化? 有谁会在乎北极熊的死活? 有谁会在乎有多少物种灭绝? 有谁会在乎沿海地区淹没多少城市? 有谁会在乎每年融化多少雪山? 有谁会在乎每年夏天热死多少人? 有谁会在乎因为炎热所带来的火灾烧掉多少森林? 有谁会在乎干旱城市有多少? 有谁会在乎? 。 。 。 对于宣传全球变暖危害的朋友们,当我们将这些全球变暖所带来的影响摆给别人看,我们是否有十足的底气,可以让对方有同样的危机感? 从我个人来看,这些东西,基本上对一个不了解全球变暖的正常人来讲,一点关系都没有。这些事情和我们日常生活有什么直接影响和关系?几乎一点都没有!顶多是冬天少穿点衣服,夏天多开一会空调,偶尔太热了单位学校还给放,这不是挺好嘛。按这样的好处来看,越热越好!把老弱病残都热死了,还可以减少污染呢。 那我们凭什么,要靠上面的这些东西,来让其他人在乎全球变暖? 这说明了一个极其严重的问题——我们的沟通能力有问题——我们逆行着,走进了一条单行线。 我们只考虑到了自己的价值观,而没有考虑到其他人的感受。这无论从哪个方面来说,都是一个极大的错误。 全球变暖所带来的,不仅仅只是我们常说的那几条,还有许许多多的影响,是同人类生活有直接密切关系的。为什么我们没有将这些讲给别人听? ·气温升高,会给人类生理机能造成影响,人类生病的几率将越来越大,各种生理疾病将快速蔓延,甚至会滋生出新疾病。眼科疾病、心脏类疾病、呼吸道系统疾病、消化系统类疾病、类疾病、细菌类疾病……人们社会在医疗上所支付的金钱将越来越多,死于非命的人将越来越多。癌症,将越来越普及;促死,将会越来越普遍。再多的钱,再好的医生,也未必能救得了你的命; ·气温升高所带来的热能,会提供给空气和海洋巨大的动能,从而形成大型,甚至超大型台风、飓风、海啸等灾难。我们每年所遭受和面临的灾难越来越多,损失的生命和金钱数目越来越大,越来越让人难以接受。再多的钱,也未必能救得了你的命; ·台风海啸等灾难不单会直接破坏建筑物和威胁人类生命安全,而且会带来许多次生灾难,尤其是台风、飓风等灾难所带来的大量降雨,会导致泥石流、山体滑坡等,严重威胁了交通安全和居民生活安全; ·气温升高不单会从海洋直接吸取水分,还会从陆地吸取水分,使得内陆地区大面积干旱,从而粮食减产,饲料也一定会减产。粮食和肉类食品将面临匮乏,直接威胁国家稳定。为食物而引起的恐慌和争斗,将不再是落后村落中才会发生的事; ·气温升高所融化的冰山,正是我们赖以生存的淡水最主要的来源。我们的地下淡水储备都是由冰山融水组成的。在气温平衡正常时,冰山有一个冰雪循环系统,即,冰山夏天融化,流向山下,流入地下,给平原地区积累淡水,并起到一个过滤作用。冬天水分以水蒸气的形式回到山上,通过大量降雪重新积累冰雪,也是一个过滤过程。这整个的循环过程,使得我们的淡水有了稳定的平衡保障。而现在全球变暖使得冰山上的冰雪积累的速度远没有融化的速度快,甚至有些冰山已经不再积累,这就断绝了当地的饮用淡水。这将会带来因缺水而产生的冲突和战争; ·气温升高使得自然界食物链逐渐断裂。 ·大气中二氧化碳含量上升,会导致海洋中二氧化碳含量上升,使海洋碳酸化,这会杀死大量微生物。最底层的食物消失,将使海洋食物链从最底层开始,向上迅速断裂,并蔓延至海洋以外。由于没有了食物,将有大量海洋生物,和以海洋生物为食的其他生物死亡。海洋中大量生物死亡,将会污染海洋,加速其他生物的死亡;同时释放大量温室气体,加速全球变暖,形成恶性循环; ·温度的上升,无脊椎类动物,尤其是昆虫类生物提早从冬眠中苏醒,而靠这些昆虫为生的长途迁徙动物却无法及时赶上,错过捕食的时机,从而大量死亡。昆虫们提前苏醒,因为没有了天敌,将会肆无忌惮地吃掉大片森林和庄稼。没有了森林,等于无形当中增加了二氧化碳的含量,加速全球变暖,形成恶性循环;没有了庄稼,就等于人类没有了食物; ·而蜜蜂数目的大量减少,也是自然界食物链彻底崩溃的前兆。没有了蜜蜂帮助传播花粉,植物将无法繁殖。也就是说,庄稼无法繁殖,无法结果,人类将没有食物。全球人类将面临食物短缺,为争夺食物而引发的战争将越来越多,越来越近。而供我们争夺的食物,也将越来越少; ·全球变暖导致陆地水分大量流失,随时会有“星星之火可以燎原”。不光是森林中的山火,城市中的火灾也将会非常频繁。大火无情,我们的家将24小时处于危险当中。我说24小时,就是说即使在夜间也会有发生火灾的可能。 ·全球变暖所能确定的并公开的最大威胁,是冰河时代的突然降临。对这一结果不了解的朋友,可以去看一下《后天》这部**,其内容就是讲述冰河时代降临的恐怖。但这部片子只做成了灾难片,而几乎没有起到多大教育意义。我都只有在看第二遍时才察觉到在**开头时,讲到了全球变暖和冰河时代的关系。跛脚的美国灾难片; 全球变暖所带来的最恐怖的结果,也是未确定(?)未公开的结果,那就是,由于全球变暖所带来的海啸等海洋性灾难次数越来越频繁,规模越来越大,所带来的次生灾难也越来越多,规模越来越大。当海洋性灾难达到一个最高点时,也就是量变产生质变的那一点时,部分地壳被海洋所撼动,造成地震,而部分地壳附近的火山被引发,连锁反应,来带更大的地震,从而产生更大规模的火山爆发。火山爆发所产生的数万吨上千摄式度的火山灰,所到之处,便是火海,即使没有点燃的,也被压扁。世界上近八成的人口将在这次火山爆发中消失。待火山平静下来,大量冷却的火山灰掩盖天空,将有至少长达两年之久的黑暗生活笼罩整个世界。没有阳光就没有植物,也就没有粮食。坚持到最后的,恐怕只有老鼠和小强。 大家对全球变暖所带来的这一类的后果有什么样的感受?和之前我们经常听到见到提到的有什么不同?一个是别人抱,一个是自己抱。相信大家和我的感受会很相似。 大家都是热爱生活的人,都是充满爱心的人,都是肯为环保事业奉贤自己力量的可爱的人。但我们只是在宣传环保时,忘却了一点,那就是对方的感受。如果我们可以对对方的心理进行推敲,拿捏,在了解了对方后,再通过恰当的方式进行宣传,宣传效果岂不会更加理想?对症下药,这是无论在哪里都适用的完用理论。 我相信,如果我们能将全球变暖所带来的更震撼人心的影响,告诉周围人的话,那么,大家必定会重新审视环保的重要性,并发自内心地为自己、为家人、为朋友、为地球奉贤出一份力量!



Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain

据美国康乃尔大学(Cornell University)2021年10月19日提供的消息,超过99.9%的研究认为是人类导致了气候变化(More than 99.9% of studies agree: Humans caused climate change)。相关研究结果于2021年10月19日已经在《环境研究快报》(Environmental Research Letters)网站发表——Mark Lynas, Benjamin Z Houlton, Simon Perry. Greater than 99% consensus on human caused climate change in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. Environmental Research Letters, 2021, 16 (11): 114005. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac2966, Published 19 October 2021.


一项对88125篇气候相关研究的新调查显示,超过99.9%的同行评议科学论文同意,气候变化主要是由人类造成的。这项研究更新了2013年的一篇类似论文,该论文显示,1991-2012年间发表的%的研究支持人类活动正在改变地球气候的观点。目前的调查研究了从2012年到2020年11月发表的文献,以 探索 共识是否已经改变。

康奈尔大学科学联盟(Alliance for Science at Cornell University)客座研究员、该论文的第一作者马克·莱纳斯(Mark Lynas)说:“我们几乎可以肯定,现在达成的共识远远超过99%,任何有关人类造成气候变化的现实的有意义的公众对话几乎已经结束。”

康奈尔大学农业与生命科学学院院长、该研究的合著者本杰明·霍尔顿(Benjamin Houlton)说:“认识到温室气体排放的主要作用至关重要,这样我们才能迅速动员新的解决方案,因为我们已经亲眼目睹了气候相关灾害对企业、人民和经济的毁灭性影响。在同行评议的科学文献中,对人类造成气候变化的共识超过99%。”

尽管有这样的结果,民意调查以及政治家和公众代表的意见都指向错误的信念和主张,即科学家们对气候变化的真正原因仍存在重大争论。2016年,皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)发现,只有27%的美国成年人认为“几乎所有”科学家都认为气候变化是人类活动造成的。2021年盖洛普(Gallup)的一项民意调查显示,在自工业革命以来观测到的地球气温上升是否主要是由人类造成的问题上,美国政界的党派分歧正在加深。



合著者西蒙·佩里(Simon Perry)是一名在英国工作的软件工程师,也是科学联盟(Alliance for Science)的志愿者。他创建了一种算法,可以从此团队知道存在怀疑的论文中搜索关键字,比如“太阳(solar)”、“宇宙射线(cosmic rays)”和“自然周期(natural cycles)”。该算法应用于所有88000多篇论文,程序对它们进行排序,因此怀疑者的排名更高。正如预期的那样,他们发现许多持不同意见的论文都排在了前面,而收益递减(diminishing returns)的论文则排在后面。总的来说,这项研究产生了28篇含蓄或明确持怀疑态度的论文,都发表在次要期刊上。



While controls over the Earth's climate system he undergone rigorous hypothesis-testing since the 1800s, questions over the scientific consensus of the role of human activities in modern climate change continue to arise in public settings. We update previous efforts to quantify the scientific consensus on climate change by searching the recent literature for papers sceptical of anthropogenic-caused global warming. From a dataset of 88125 climate-related papers published since 2012, when this question was last addressed comprehensively, we examine a randomized subset of 3000 such publications. We also use a second sample-weighted roach that was specifically biased with keywords to help identify any sceptical peer-reviewed papers in the whole dataset. We identify four sceptical papers out of the sub-set of 3000, as evidenced by abstracts that were rated as implicitly or explicitly sceptical of human-caused global warming. In our sample utilizing pre-identified sceptical keywords we found 28 papers that were implicitly or explicitly sceptical. We conclude with high statistical confidence that the scientific consensus on human-caused contemporary climate change—expressed as a proportion of the total publications—exceeds 99% in the peer reviewed scientific literature.





求一篇5分钟的英语演讲稿,题目关于《Climate change》

气候危机英语是:Climate crisis。










Our world is rapidly changing. Technology and economic

development are perhaps the two most visible factors causing

this . In Chongqing we drive across the new bridges linking

formerly distant locations. We use electronic gadgets that

allow us to perform tasks quicker and more efficiently than

ever before. Who would he imagined communicating via

a blog just a few years ago? However, the impact of technology

and development on our lives is increasingly being overshadowed

by something that is in some ways harder to pin down but

whose enormous impact is undeniable – climate change.


Climate change is truly a global issue that impacts on all

individuals regardless of nationality, gender or wealth. It is

shaping our world in ways we sometimes struggle to understand.

In terms of our daily lives, it can seem hard to identify what

changes result from climate change and as a result it is

sometimes ignored. However, in terms of our planet’s “life

cycle” it is hening extremely quickly. Arctic ice and

glaciers are melting, desertification is speeding up and

major floods are increasingly impacting on people in low-lying



Climate change is already impacting on our planet and

will increasingly affect our behiour. Around the world

people are beginning to look to make “greener” choices

in their everyday lives. They are attempting to reduce

their “carbon footprint” by trelling in more sustainable

ways [given China’s size, increasing middle class and

rising wealth, is this the right argument?], reducing the

amount of food waste they produce and purchasing more

energy-efficient goods and services. Even our languages

are being shaped by climate change! Who had even

heard of a “carbon footprint” until relatively recently?


Given the importance of climate change, I am delighted

to be launching this blog. It reflects the importance that

Chongqing attaches to this issue. It also reflects the

importance attached to climate change by the UK

Government and the British Consulate General. Our two

Governments are engaged in wide-ranging activities

in Chongqing and SW China to address the challenges

posed by climate change – too many to list on this

blog! Major activities he included seminars on

changing policies to reduce carbon emissions; examining

“green” building techniques; and visits to the UK

by officials from SW China to examine solar power

technology. Chongqing’s “Car Free Day” at the same

time as over 100 other Chinese cities was an

excellent example of an activity that promoted a

low carbon lifestyle.


The UK is keen to continue this work and develop

even closer links with Chongqing. There is much we can

learn from each other. The lessons we both learn in

dealing with our local problems undouedly contribute

to body of knowledge on how to tackle this global

challenge. I very much hope this blog will play its part

in raising awareness and generating debate. I hope it

will spark creative ideas and will act as a catalyst for

change. To bring about this change we need to make

personal choices, and in writing this blog today I he

made a new choice. I he decided to ensure that I

will increasingly walk to my ointments in the Jiefang

Bei district in order to reduce my carbon footprint. On

my own my efforts will make only a small difference,

but by acting together we really can make a change.

What can you do differently?


提问+One reason is that ... Another is sth/that+句子

It is back in fashion for several reasons. +具体原因说明+There are other factors, too. +具体原因说明 扩展资料


 1、Why do researchers from MIT predict that by the middle of the century, more than half of humanity will live in water-stressed areas? One reason is that as the world’s population grows larger and richer, it uses more water. Another is climate change, which accelerates hydrologic cycles, making wet places wetter and dry places drier.


 2、It is back in fashion for several reasons. Some firms need to repair the damage from the pandemic. The tech boom means unicorns can go public at sky-high valuations. There are other factors, too. More Chinese firms are coming of age.
